Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Crafter's Contest Update

As the Holiday Season winds to a close, the rush and frenzy to put the finishing touches on all the handmade gifts starts waning and orders for Crafters Labels are slowing down.
Even during this hectic time our Crafting customers have come through for us by submitting pictures of their own homemade gifts that they’ve used our Made by Labels on.  These gifts might be sewn or crocheted, knitted or quilted, or otherwise hand produced through one of many crafty mediums. These gifts provide an extra special feeling of warmth that stays with the recipient for the rest of the year.
Starlight Labels is proud to have been a partner in many of your handmade creations by being a source of affordable clothing labels for crafters.   At Starlight Labels, you have the option of choosing either Sew On Labels or Iron On Labels for your “Made by Labels”. You can customize even more by choosing one of our different fonts, colors or icon to create a truly unique “Made by Label".
Some of our customers prefer not to have their pictures viewed while others want to share their creations with the world.
Enjoy these beautiful photos and thanks to all of you that we're generous enough to share your creations!
Submitted by:  Anonymous Customer

Submitted by:  S. F.

Look at the beatiful designed pattern
on this hand-knitted baby blanket!

Sure to keep a lucky little baby
cozy and warm throughout the winter.

Starlight Labels, your source for Crafter's Labels.  Choose your text, made by, made with love.... Check out our website for all our options.

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